

FRSTeam employs a comprehensive tracking and reporting accountability system through a custom, cutting-edge, web-based technology called FRSTaid.  Through our job and relationship management system we can:

  • Ensure efficient and ongoing communications throughout job processes;
  • hold all nationwide FRSTeam fabric restoration service teams to consistent, measurable standards;
  • and guarantee the highest levels of customer satisfaction.

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Improved Communications

Through FRSTaid, we leverage transactional email technology (what airlines and travel industries use to confirm bookings and communicate updates) to automate and time-stamp performance of primary service steps.  Non-intrusive job status updates are automatically emailed to the contractors, insurance and mitigation companies and homeowners involved in a claim:

  • When packout of clothing and textiles is completed;
  • when emergency clothing items are delivered;
  • when the final delivery is made;
  • and when questionnaire survey results are received from the customer, rating FRSTeam’s performance.

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Consistent Nationwide Service

Our process automation ensures consistent service across the FRSTeam brand nationwide.  By measuring the time it takes to complete primary service steps and customer satisfaction levels, we can create benchmarking standards to measure against actual performances, quickly helping us determine areas in need of improvement.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text el_class=”.service_category”]


Job reports can be generated to provide information around key metrics such as:

  • Total number of jobs;
  • invoicing/payment details;
  • job status changes, and more.
