Highlights from 2021



October 2021


Highlights from 2021 Restoration Retreat: New Services Coming Your Way!

Note from Holly Murry, FRSTeam President.

Holly with FRSTeam, Sept 2021 Video

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Last month we hosted our annual Restoration Retreat. In this newsletter, we wanted to share a few highlights.

We are more committed to our goals than ever before. We strive to serve more of our community every year and to explore new opportunities. Although our industry is constantly evolving, we are confident we have the best team to answer any challenge that comes our way.

Amidst the ups and downs of 2020, we made many positive changes. The biggest of these was heavily investing in our future by adding staff which enables us to provide better support for our entire FRSTeam community. We leveraged technology to ensure we were able to continue our brand awareness efforts through development of new online training for both internal and external customers. We were even able to pivot and host our regional meeting online to help educate, motivate and connect with our peers.

Your commitment to our company vision has earned the FRSTeam brand significant respect within the restoration industry. With your continued dedication, we look forward to ongoing growth and development through the remainder of 2021 and beyond. We are so grateful to each of you for being such an important part of our mutual journey and for allowing us the privilege to serve others.

Holly Murry, President


Expanding into Hard-Contents Services

The Contents Specialists was acquired by FRSTeam in July of 2021 and are providing owners with the training and expertise needed to expand our national service offering to include all contents. During the 2021 Retreat, we learned just how important it is to our clients by offering these additional services to help more people during their time of need.

Tap into this powerful opportunity. Consider this:

  • 40% of all property restoration jobs need Contents Services
  • Contents Services are needed 10X more frequently versus just Textile Restoration Services
  • The fewer the service providers on a claim the higher the homeowner satisfaction level

Adding hard contents restoration services enables all of our locations to service more of our contractor and carrier needs. Fulfilling that need is what FRSTeam is all about.


“Don’t Fear Change”

Sarah Catherine and Charley Wallace, owners of FRSTeam by Five Star, shared the story of their inspiring journey as business owners. We were all moved by how they embody the “can-do” spirit of FRSTeam and how they turned challenges into growth opportunities.

Their presentation was a wonderful affirmation of the joys and challenges we all face running a family owned business. Some of their hard-won lessons include:

  • You can create endless opportunities when you’re not afraid to embrace change.
  • Make sure you have clear communication and shared goals.
  • More work doesn’t always translate to more money.
  • Keep an eye on your spending.
  • You get there faster when the team rows in the same direction.
  • Never give up.


As always, please reach out with any questions or stories you’d like to share.

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